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No Code: All You Need To Know

It is quite clear to everyone in the 21st century that the world moves towards a cyber-community that works, breathes, and lives on technology. Reaching customers and attracting clients means businesses need to develop mobile applications and eye-catching and professional websites.

Developing such platforms requires a big budget and hiring experienced programmers to build a good application. Fortunately, no-code development has made it possible for novices with little to no knowledge of any programming languages to design and develop a fully functional and sophisticated web or mobile application.

Before we sing its praises, let’s understand what no code is and what it means to the future of application development.

1.   What is No Code?

No code is a software application development platform that requires no prior knowledge of any programming language. The platform is highly suitable for startups with a low budget and cannot afford to hire a software developer or outsource their programs.

Using no-code non-technical business users can build their full-fledged applications and equip the workforce with tools to become citizen developers. The platform is a capable alternative to traditional software development with the tools to meet the demands of faster application delivery and building web and mobile applications of their own.

2.   How Does It Work?

A common misconception is that a no-code platform contains no coding at all. The fact of the matter is there is a lot of coding going on, but it is all done in the background while you deal with the visual interface.

The platform uses a simple drag and drops mechanism where elements are pre-built and coded for resume and scale. A user interface builder can drag and drop elements to design your website and instantly see what your application would look like. No code platform uses declarative UI to describe what the user should see instead of how it should be laid out. This makes it easier to render the same application or website across multiple devices.

A little known fact is that the no-code platform is not just for simple applications and websites. With rapid technological development, no-code media have become highly capable of developing sophisticated applications with rich functionality.

3.   No Code Pros and Cons


a.    Reduced Cost

No code development reduces the requirement for experienced software developers, thus saving your company considerable money.

b.    Faster

Development through simple drag-drop operations and pre-built modules saves a lot of time, meaning apps are developed faster or more apps developed in a shorter time.


a.    Limited by Rigid Templates

It is quite easy to shift your thought process from “What do I build?” to “What can I build?” because of the rigid templates that most no-code platforms have.

b.    Source Code is Not Yours

Post developing your application using a no-code platform, i.e., from a no-code vendor, and the decision to move away from the no-code platform can be difficult. After developing an application on a no-code platform, you are locked in with the vendor, and switching providers can become impossible or cost a significant amount to do so.

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